Thursday, 01 July 2021 16:10

2020 Charlie Mohrle Award Winner - Maj "Bull" Shaw Featured

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THE 2020 Charles D. Mohrle MEMORIAL AWARD TO:

Major Michael “Bull” Shaw

FOR: Dedicated and outstanding service to the 510th Fighter Squadron while serving as the squadron Weapons and Tactics Officer, 510 Fighter Squadron. The unmatched professional skill, dedication, and ceaseless efforts of Major Michael Shaw resulted in major contributions to the operational capabilities of the 510th Fighter Squadron. He always prioritized the well-being of his Squadron and the Mission and his tireless efforts led to the outstanding performance of the unit.

His superior professional skill, knowledge, and leadership aided immeasurably in implementing the NEW NORMAL for  combat airpower filling 365 days of Ground Alert Close Air Support (GCAS) in support of EUCOM and AFRICOM primary taskings. His superior efforts in planning and executing USAFE's largest Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) exercise where he led CAS/SCAR missions and conducted two mission commander upgrades greatly enhanced the Tactics Technics Procedures used by EUCOM's sole CSAR squadron.  It is thereby an honor to award the 510th Fighter Squadron Charles D. Mohrle Memorial Award to Major Michael Shaw.  His extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the 31st Fighter Wing.

510TH Fighter Squadron Commander

President 510TH Fighter Squadron Association

FROM:    1 January 2020   TO   31 December 2020

Read 10388 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 September 2021 13:14
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