Friday, 08 January 2021 19:27

Update from Buzzard 01 Featured

Written by Daniel "Deuce" Lindsey
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The squadron has spent the last year hunkered down since we’re at the epicenter of Europe’s pandemic.  I’m very proud of their discipline and dedication to mission throughout. 

While many fighter squadrons across the world stopped flying the Buzzards stepped up and crushed the challenge.  It’s crazy to say, but we have flown more lines during COVID than during “normal” ops.  I would take on anyone that would challenge me in saying that the Buzzards are the AF’s #1 Fighter Squadron in readiness retention.  Knock-on-wood, we are one of the last sq’s on base to not have a single COVID case (hope I didn’t just jinx us).


Beyond COVID – the 510th just won, back-to-back, USAFE CC’s Trophy/FS of the Year.  If that weren’t enough, we have also won the USAFE IP, Flight Lead, and Wingman of the year categories over the course of the last 2 years – Rule!


AND…we’ve managed to do a couple of more firsts:

-          First USAFE sq to conduct an Agile Combat Employment (ACE) Exercise

-          First squadron to conduct integrated combat turns at an Italian AFB

-          First USAFE squadron to refuel with KC-46

-          We led Aviano’s first Elephant Walk


In addition we brought the fight back to Russia’s back yard by returning fighters to the Black Sea region:


Our former DO, Lt Col “Rhino” Ryan, moved up to take Command of 555th.  Maj “Jigga” Watts moved on to become a DO at Misawa.

We have had 2x IDE(Intermediate Developmental Education) pick-ups, 1x TPS(Test Pilot School) pick up, and a very strong candidate for the next WIC (Weapons Instructor Course) class.




(Buzzard 01 - Lt. Col. Daniel Lindsey)

Read 28346 times Last modified on Friday, 08 January 2021 19:44
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